Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Friday, October 04, 2019

Not your will but GOD’s will

It is very easy to lose confidence when we ask and each time we ask we never receive or are lied to about getting whatever we asked for, only to be let down/disappointed by anyone that we have asked of. GOD is not like this, we have been given clear instructions on how we are to ask of HIM. And, even though we ask of HIM and we do not receive we never think to ask ourselves why. Asking amiss [with wrong intentions] is most often the reason why we do not receive from the FATHER. It is not so much our asking that we do not receive but most often what we have within our heart {motives} as to what and why we are asking. Please click here>will, for more information. Thank you. And, have a great weekend on purpose.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

GOD’s ambassador

Are you an ambassador of CHRIST JESUS? You are if you fit what the scriptures inform us of what an ambassador is. Please follow this link>ambassador, for today's blog. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Obedience through love

What does the love you have for someone or something propel you to do or say? Love is a very strong emotion and whether we know it or not spending much quality time with someone or something is an act of love. But does your love with someone reflect that type of love that CHRIST JESUS commands that we develop into a lifestyle? As for those things that we love, this is taking the place of GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the Holy Ghost because we spend more quality time with things rather than with HIM. Please read our blog here>obedience, thank you.

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Love unconditionally

Many people will use the word "fall" in love with another person. And though the manner in which it is used is not incorrect, I myself have always had a problem with using it in the same sentence to describe my emotions towards another.

I myself prefer to describe the love that I have for another as "growing". My choice for this is because I do not want to ever "fall" out of love with anyone.

My love for another is never declining, descending,  immoral,  involuntary, lowering,  limited, and it most certainly is not conditional.

However, what my love is, it accrues, advances, continues forward, enlarged, increasing, produced, and swells.

Please click here>unconditional, for further reading. Thank you.    

Monday, September 30, 2019

The Characterization of a CHRISTian

If you can recognize that your life is not a reflection from inside out of the fruit of the Spirit or if others have called you out on your character because of what you do and say. Then you should want to have all of yourself removed and replaced with the character and integrity of CHRIST JESUS. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit, the soul (emotions) and then the flesh, not by the soul (emotions) and then the flesh. Please press here>character, for further information. Thank you.

Friday, September 27, 2019

You decide

We all have to make decisions daily. But have you ever thought that the decisions that are made by you will affect every member of your family, friends, and associates? Once you begin to decide to do or say anything the ripple effect which will be produced based on your actions will have either a bad or good effect. The most critical decision we will ever make in our life will be to answer the call when we hear the Holy Spirit calling us to come back to GOD. Then we must decide to not only learn scriptures to sound important and religious because we have the ability to quote them. We must decide to demonstrate the scriptures throughout our life. The demonstration is key not what we say because people are watching not listening. So, it is up to you to decide whether you are going to build relationships first with CHRIST JESUS then to your family, then with your friends and associates. Once it is seen that you have decided to live a life opposite of that before, people may want the relationship you have in CHRIST JESUS. Please tick here>decide, thank you.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


The worst feeling we can experience is to be emotionally, mentally and physically abused and or drained. I know this because I have survived this evil. Many people turn to alcohol and drugs because of this which is a slow death and many others just want to get it over and commit suicide. This not only breaks the heart of our Savior but it continually destroys the family. We need to share with those who are going through this difficult time that GOD is a forgiving, loving and merciful GOD and that HE desires to deliver those who suffer under this load. Please click here>tired, thank you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Stop allowing fear to ruin your life

As children, when we are made fun of we will say "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me". This is a LIE from the pit of hell and this saying needs to be forgotten, erased from our minds. Truth is names and what is said in our hearing that is evil hurt very much. Unlike the physical wounds, we will have which will heal in time, words which strike at our emotions will heal only when we ask GOD to remove the pain associated with these evil spoken words. The pain of words will be removed but we will still remember those words. So, when we set out to accomplish a goal, those evil words may resurface but because the pain is no longer associated with them we pay no attention to them any longer and when we know the antidote to those evil words which are given to us by our FATHER through CHRIST JESUS, we will remind ourselves that we are not associated by that any longer. Please read and enjoy today's blog when you tick here>fear, thank you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

If they can do it so can you

Anything and everything that we can imagine yourself being and doing is possible. Discontinue allow what other people say that you can or cannot be. I live by this motto, "I can show you better than I can tell you". Keep your dreams, your goals and your visions to yourself if you must share them, share them with those that have proven to you that whatever you desire to do is limitless, they have proven to you that they are your greatest fans, they will continually encourage you, and they will help propel you to accomplish all that you set out to do. You are already those things, you just have to put energy into them. Please press here>they did it, i can also, thank you.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Yes we can-With help

We can do because GOD our heavenly FATHER said we can do. CHRIST JESUS is operating within us through HIS Holy Spirit. The only person that is holding us back is ourselves. Most of us know the story about the "Little Engine That Could". I used to tell my children and now I am telling my grandson the following: I Think I Can [x's 3]; I Know I Can {x's 3} and I Knew I Could (x's 3). We keep listening to what others are saying and then we talk ourselves out of what we will like to do. Stop listening to the voices of others and begin to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Remember, everything that we set out to do is done in faith through CHRIST JESUS. Please click here>help, thank you.

Friday, September 20, 2019


We are not the first nor will we be the last who had a sketchy past or has a sketchy present. Many wonderful men and women are recorded in the Bible to teach us, to encourage us, to steer us from completing our mission of being a sinner and so on. I myself have far too many characters in the Bible that I enjoy reading about from the Old Testament through the New Testament. Each time I decide to read about one of them I gain new insight from GOD. I am propelled to live in the freedom GOD has given to me through HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS. The two characters that I relate to the most is Peter and John. Peter because I used to speak before thoroughly thinking about what came through my mouth, sometimes my thoughts sounded better in my head than it did from my mouth. John, because I write more than I am willing to accept speaking engagements as I once did throughout America. What I personally know without the help of mankind regarding GOD's Grace in living in HIS freedom without religious and traditional and Old Testament Legalism is amazing. And what I look forward to learning from the Holy Spirit and the study of HIS Word, excites me. Please enjoy as you read here>relatable thank you. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Who is JESUS

Do you truly know who JESUS is? If you ask that question of most people the answer will be an answer that is generic, an answer that almost anyone will know. But when a person who knows JESUS intimately is asked this question, they will tell you just who HE is known to be to them, not answers that are quoted from the Holy Bible. Hope that you will understand where I'm going with this in this short blog after you press here>JESUS, thank you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How are you identified

Are you still proclaiming the life you once had? For example, are you saying I am a recovering...? Why do you continue to proclaim the actions of what you have been redeemed from? You have a new code in your DNA and the works that CHRIST JESUS saw regarding you have been Finished because HE said so on the cross before releasing HIS Holy Spirit from HIS body. Your DNA has been reprogrammed as well as your blood. Yes, you are still an A, B, O whatever but now the blood of CHRIST JESUS is also in your blood. Instead of saying that you are a recovering this or that say that you have been delivered and set free from the actions of sin. Believe who you are in CHRIST JESUS, claim who you are in CHRIST JESUS, and own it. Hope that reading the blog How are you identified will be a help to the readers. Please tick here>identity, thank you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

GOD is…

I cannot and I will not speak for you as to who GOD is to you. But as for me I no longer believe that GOD is because I know that GOD is all those things that I need HIM to be for me and more. When we spend time with GOD developing an intimate relationship with HIM our beliefe should graduate from faith to hope for to just plain knowing. I do not believe that my mother and father are who they say that they are because I know who they are to me. They have shown themselves to be my mother and my father/dad. I wrote father/dad because today there are many males who are fathers, meaning that they have a child or children out there somewhere but they are not their dad, they do not provide, protect, teach and all the other things that come along with being a dad. Any male can be a father but it takes a man to be a dad. And mother's it is the same with you as well, you do not get off the hook because there are some females who have become mothers who have never mothered their precious child or children that reside in the home with you. It just is that I am not aware of a word that provides us with the integrity of the negligent mother because. Today my father/dad and my mother are no longer there to daddy me or to mother me but to counsel me in those times when I need them to do so. GOD does that to HIS children as well, HE is our FATHER and HE daddy's, HE is our counselor, our provider, our protector, our healer, our attorney, our medicine, our wisdom and I can go on but I know that you catch my meaning. Read what I have shared with you here>GOD is. Thank you.

Monday, September 16, 2019

I'm not qualified

Praise GOD in the name of CHRIST JESUS that HE alone is capable of qualifying us and not ourselves. Please click here>
qualified for a further read. Thank you.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Why do our kids turn away from GOD?

These are only my thoughts about this question, however, I believe that our kids turn away from GOD for the following reason, our home life is a hypocritical home. There is no balance in life. The home is legalistic rather than being free in the Grace of CHRIST. Please press here>guilty or not to evaluate for yourself. Thank you and have an enjoyable weekend. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Never debate about JESUS

We will never win a lost soul to CHRIST JESUS when we become argumentative and that is what debating is all about. Please click here>debate we hope this will be of help. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

CHRISTianity is…

Do you have a personal relationship with the FATHER through CHRIST JESUS? Or, are you just religious? Do you even know the difference? Most people do not, so I often ask the question like this, are you religious with your parents, spouse, children, and friends? The answer is most often, no. So, why are you so religious when it comes to GOD? Our relationship with GOD must be a personal one, we cannot perform our way into HIS presence nor can we continue to believe that because we attend church service each week, or because we are on the membership roll of our local assembly, or because our family member is involved with what is going on in church and lastly just because we are American. Please tick here>relationship just to get a wee insight on having a personal relationship with GOD. Thank you.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Focus on Who not what is important

We are too focused on those things which are not important rather than CHRIST JESUS. Each day should be filled with the presence of our Living GOD, meaning that we should place CHRIST JESUS first in our daily life. Please press here>focus to read further. Thank you.

GOD is never too busy for you

Our GOD is never too busy that HE cannot count and keep a perfect record of each follicle of hair which is upon our heads. So, why are HIS creations which are humans far too busy to spend time with HIM? Please tick here>busy to read further. Thank you.