Friday, September 27, 2019

You decide

We all have to make decisions daily. But have you ever thought that the decisions that are made by you will affect every member of your family, friends, and associates? Once you begin to decide to do or say anything the ripple effect which will be produced based on your actions will have either a bad or good effect. The most critical decision we will ever make in our life will be to answer the call when we hear the Holy Spirit calling us to come back to GOD. Then we must decide to not only learn scriptures to sound important and religious because we have the ability to quote them. We must decide to demonstrate the scriptures throughout our life. The demonstration is key not what we say because people are watching not listening. So, it is up to you to decide whether you are going to build relationships first with CHRIST JESUS then to your family, then with your friends and associates. Once it is seen that you have decided to live a life opposite of that before, people may want the relationship you have in CHRIST JESUS. Please tick here>decide, thank you.

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