Wednesday, August 14, 2019

GOD has a wonderful nature-Part 20

The GOD that sits high and looks low is not a GOD of being wishy-washy. GOD through CHRIST JESUS is a very just GOD at all times. Bless GOD that HE no longer judge through the actions that HE once did in the Old Covenant/Testament/Contract regarding how we either refused to glorify HIM or depend on HIM and how we tried to but failed miserably to earn HIS delight in us through our own self-efforts of works. JESUS did away with all that and we are to just rest in GOD through CHRIST JESUS all the time, rest in HIM through glorifying HIM, depended on HIM and just know that at all times we are forgiven and most loved because of CHRIST JESUS because we believe in HIM and HIS finished works which were done on that cross. We are learning and have decided as Paul wrote in the Good News of CHRIST JESUS as to who the CHRIST is and who we are in HIM. We are now justified all because of CHRIST JESUS and HIS blood that saved and washed us free from sin and imprisonment of darkness. Please press here>Just thank you.

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