Friday, May 12, 2023

CHRIST Brings Us HIS Spiritual Blessings

 Happy Friday Family!

Are you ready for a most fabulous weekend doing whatever it is that you have planned with your family and friends?! Well, whatever you have planned be encouraging, peaceful, and stay safe.

Please tick the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Give Encouragement

 Good Morning Family and Happy Thursday!

Oh, what a lovely day today is. Encourage everyone that you come in contact with and please do not forget to Encourage yourself. 

Please click the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We Are To Have Concern And We Are To Encourage

        Happy Monday Family!

Oh, what a magnificent day it will be for us all. My mindset is commanded regardless of how the day may appear. I encourage you to visualize your day as you want it to be for you.

Please click the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Be Encouraged By GOD

 Happy Thursday Family!

Many that we know may be encouraged knowing that tomorrow is a day to celebrate drinking and being drunk. We, on the other hand, are drunk in the Spirit through drinking the wine [blood of JESUS] and not being sorry for the results that come from being inebriated.

Please click on the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Are We Encouraging One Another

 Happy Tuesday Family! 

What an admirable day to be alive and have the benefit of praising JESUS. 

Please click on the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.

Monday, May 01, 2023

Purpose Of The Heart

 Happy Monday Family!

Today is a great day to become adaptable to what The FATHER desires for us. Stop running and just obey HIS will for each of us. Encourage yourself to become what HE desires each of us to be.

Please click on the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Hand Of The LORD

 Happy Thursday Family!

Wow! What an active day today is for us. I am positive that all of us will get those to-do projects started or completed today. My being on the East Coast we have been experiencing some cold crisp mornings but we have not allowed the temperature of the weather to deter us from our dreams, goals, and visions for not only ourselves but our family and those of us who are waiting for what you have to offer to us today.

In your spare time today please read and share today's blog, all you need do is click on the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.