Showing posts with label GOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOD. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Challenge


Hello and thank you for returning to read this blog. I need to apologize to you because Google Blog Post is always sending that this site is no longer available and that it has been replaced with something else.

I have to begin to see this as an enemy attack.

From this day forward our office, AMFBeM will include Google Blog Post each time we publish a posting from Elder Briscoe. 

We invite you to stay connected to our website [] to read each and every blog that has been published throughout the years.

Today, the office of AMFBeM has published "The Challenge". This is the testimony of Elder Briscoe and how she invited others to join with her in the promises that JESUS has given to us. It is never too late to challenge yourself with the Word of GOD. The challenge is not the Word itself, the challenge will be your determination to be a testimony of how or what the LORD GOD in the name of JESUS has done for you according to your faith and obedience to HIS command, direction, guidance, and instruction.

Click on the link here>AMFBeM and as always leave a comment so that we may pray with you or cheer with you.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

GOD does not say no


2 Corinthians 9:12

I normally do not write from lessons learned from GOD the same day that I write. Everything that I have previously written was the lesson learned from years ago. However, today I am led to share this with all of you.

This is our example setter, most CHRISTians admire the apostle Paul for the ministry he had through CHRIST JESUS. We speak about who he once was in the character and sin of Saul. We speak about the chains of Paul, how he spoke and prayed, and people became healed in the power and authority of CHRIST JESUS. We speak about also, the thorn.

But today, I want us all to get the revelation knowledge of Saul’s education which means that he was the most educated of all the apostles and how that education was a tool that he was able to use once he was transformed into Paul, Acts 7:58, 8:1, 9:1, 22:3, 23:6, Phil. 3:5-6; Acts 9:1-9. This will help us all to understand what he meant when he wrote 2 Corinthians 12.

That through GOD’s Grace we have off the charts, mediocre, or limited IQs, that some have spiritual gifts, and are anointed, they are all because of GOD’s Grace. We can do absolutely nothing without GOD’s Grace.

Throughout the Bible, we can find and see GOD’s Grace but today I will only concentrate on few scriptures which I will consider jump-starts to reignite those of you who have not allowed your faith to grow, or you have lost your faith because you do not understand that GOD never says no but rather something else which is far greater than no. Many of us have read the answers to our prayers that we have either forgotten about or thought that GOD said no because we do not see the manifestations of those prayer requests.

Let me begin here before revealing to you those jump-start scriptures. I am telling you; this is going to blow your socks off and cause many of you to shout in praise to GOD.

1)     Understand that faith and trust work hand in hand

2)     Understand the definition of Faith, Grace, Trust and Unmerited

3)     Faith – Belief; of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, Resting on the authority and veracity, Without other evidence; Judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth. The assent of the heart and mind, the understanding to the truth of what GOD has revealed. The Firm belief of GOD's testimony, and of the truth of the Gospel, which influences the will, and leads to an entire Reliance on CHRIST for Salvation. Believe and obey.

4)     Grace – Agree: consistent, ready. Free: prompt, quick, willing. Favor: disposition to oblige others, goodwill, kindness.

5)     Trust – Confidence: reliance or resting of the mind on the character, friendship, integrity, justice, veracity, or others sound principles.

6)     Unmerited – we have done nothing, or we are nothing aside from the Grace of GOD; to be praised, deserving virtue, rewarded, honored, esteemed, or help.

What we deserve but some have already made the escape and others are making their escape and others will make their escape from cruel and unjust injuries and sufferings. HALLELUJAH, praise GOD Most-High for HIS unmerited Love and Blessings [favor] and that we have obtained, and we do obtain GOD’s unmerited help only through HIS precious SON, JESUS.

Our relationship with our FATHER gives us the access and the right to ask HIM for all that we need or want. Also, it gives our FATHER the right to make the best decisions for us, even if or when those decisions are not necessarily what we want. Uh-oh, I think that I either have lost or beginning to lose some right here. But stick with me, please.

Because of our relationship with the FATHER, we must not only have faith in knowing that HE can, but we must also trust that HE knows what is best for us [the me’s of individuality, personal, ourselves]. Just as we may not like the decisions that come from people, we choose to accept them or not. We do not like negative replies because they make us uncomfortable and sometimes can be hurtful.

But as for you and I, we are to…

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM. And HE will direct your path”. Prov. 3:5-6

Okay, here it is, what you have been waiting for as to why I believe that GOD does not say no. First, I have not found a scripture in all my years of study that confirms that. Secondly, based on this scripture, 2 Corinthians 12:9 this is the answer for the thorns that we too carry in our flesh.

“MY grace is sufficient for you. MY strength is made perfect in your weakness”.

That is the answer to those prayers that you thought GOD had said no to. The apostle Paul prayed for many, and they were healed, yet he could not command the attack of the enemy to come off his person. It may be the same with some of you who are my siblings in the faith of CHRIST JESUS. I know that personally, it is this way for me, I want to stop walking with a limp and relying on the use of a cane/crutch in public so that if people bump into me, I will have the ability to better steady myself against falling onto the floor or ground. In so many areas of my life, I have experienced GOD’s healing virtue flowing throughout my being when needed and I have either laid hands and prayed or just prayed and people were healed in the name of JESUS. But for this one thing, because I feel that it holds me back somewhat, I keep praying that GOD causes my leg to operate as well if not better than the other. Today, I received revelation knowledge to a prayer that I have been praying for over a year and that is “MY Grace is sufficient for you. MY strength is made perfect in your weakness”. Now when my leg seems to remind me that I can do nothing without JESUS, [which is daily and all day] I will say the Grace of my FATHER GOD is sufficient for me. HIS strength is made perfect in my weakness. It has nothing to do with my spiritual anointing, education, or spiritual gifts.

Maybe some of you may not have a thorn in your flesh [whatever that may be] but you have prayed, and you have not seen the manifestation of that answer. Because of that you have said “God said no, or God said maybe later, or my faith or someone else’s faith was not strong enough, sin must still be present” or various other reasons. Remember these things:

JESUS the SON of the Living GOD our Gift who Gave

1)     Matt. 4:1 JESUS was led into the wilderness to be tempted by satan.

2)     Lk. 3:23 w/ref. Num. 4:3, 35, 39, 43, 47 JESUS was about thirty years of age before HIS public ministry began

3)     Mk. 14:32-36w/ref. Is. 53:3-4, Jhn. 12:27 in JESUS humanity HE did not want to go through what HE had to go through. But HE Submitted and Obeyed to the will of HIS FATHER.

4)     Matt. 20:28 w/ref. Gal. 1:4 JESUS came to serve and to give HIS life for you and me.

What am I trying to get you to see? Notice how in those scriptures JESUS experienced some sufferings, self-controlled urges until the appropriate time set by HIS FATHER, sorrows, and many other perceived by us as setbacks. They are perceived as setbacks because we do not take the time to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us the answers before we are shown GOD’s perfect will for us. In everything that JESUS had experienced as Man, HE knew that HIS FATHER’s Grace was sufficient for HIM. That HIS FATHER’s strength was made perfect in HIS humanity [weakness]. Come on somebody, this must be a shouting moment for you!

If that was not enough what about these scriptures here.

Job 13:15; Dan. 3:17; Jhn. 11:11, 14, 17, 23, 25-26, 34, 39-44.

FATHER in the name of JESUS call out of the grave those things that my siblings and myself have bound and placed into the grave to rise and return to us. Now, here is where you must call out those things, but I will get us started.

·       Relationships with family

·       Finances to pay off our debts and to be a help to others

·       Homes

·       Employment

I sincerely hope that this has been an abundantly and exceedingly helping to all of you and that you now know that GOD does not say no to us but rather HE said “MY Grace is sufficient for you. MY strength is made perfect in your weakness.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Series Pt. 1 The Label of Doubt

What label have you placed on yourself or living with because others have labeled you?

Howdy G-Blog readers of AMFBeM, hope that your morning is a blast.

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Friday, July 09, 2021

To Be Fully Rested Is To Be Yoked

 Hello G-Blog readers!

Effective immediately because we are no longer seeing comments on this site we will only provide a link to the master website for our work. There you will be able to read all current and back issues that you may have missed or that we may have overlooked placing here.

Simple tick AMFBeM will transport you to our website.

Have a blessed, happy, and safe weekend.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Forgiveness is Not Conditional


Matthew 6:14

Information: JESUS was born and lived in HIS humanity under the law. The crucifixion [death] of JESUS set us [believers in CHRIST JESUS] free from the law.

So, what does this mean for us? There are some things that JESUS spoke that were legalistic but are no longer a requirement for those of us who have been redeemed from the curse of the law.

Please do not leave yet, continue to read I promise that if you have eyes to see, you will see what I would like to share with you.

In our topic scripture, JESUS saidIf we forgive people of their trespasses [reckless and willful sins, offenses, failures, faults, wrong] your heavenly FATHER will forgive you. But if you do not forgive people of their trespasses, neither will your FATHER forgive you of your trespasses”. Okay, now let us begin to dissect this verse and set some of you free.

·        If = condition/conditional

Placing conditions and being conditional means that we are expecting something for what we are willing to give, it is also an act of judgment toward others and we are not aware that we too will be judged by the same measure. This is condemnation and condemnations often are accompanied by criticism.

·        Your heavenly FATHER will forgive you.

·        Forgiveness from our heavenly FATHER is not based on our forgiving anyone at all but is based on the death of JESUS. JESUS asked the FATHER to forgive us because we do not know what we are doing. That was not just for those that beat, lied, spat on, and nailed JESUS to the cross. It is for you too.

We no longer live in the commandments of Mosaic Law, but we live in the Grace Dispensation of CHRIST JESUS which means that for believers in CHRIST JESUS. We are to be.

·        Useful, helpful, kind, compassionate, understanding, tender in heart, loving in heart, and forgiving of heart just as CHRIST JESUS has forgiven and does forgive you. This is a daily, not a sometimes or when we feel like it or based on our liking or disliking someone. If we were to be completely honest with ourselves, we do and speak as well as think in a manner that does not line up with the Word of GOD.

·        Gentle, making allowances, being patient, pardoning, and forgiving just as CHRIST JESUS forgives us daily. Again, think about what you think about, what you do, and how you speak or may speak when pushed too far.

So now, here is an example of how someone may place a condition because they are unaware that they are conditional.

·        If you will let me go with you to the park, I will wash the dishes for you for a week.

·        GOD if YOU heal my child, I will go to church every Sunday or whenever the doors are opened.

Do those examples come across with some truth to them, or do you get the understanding?

If the FATHER waited on us to forgive anyone, no one would be forgiven and the death of JESUS on the cross would have been pointless. Because we are not willing to quickly forgive, we hold grudges, we are self-righteous, we are void of grace and mercy. But, praise GOD, the FATHER did not wait for our effort to forgive anyone, HE stepped in and forgave through the ultimate and perfect sacrifice that came with our Atonement.

Remember to have a forgiving heart towards all people but especially our siblings in CHRIST JESUS.  None of my siblings in CHRIST JESUS should exercise a lifestyle of being conditional and unforgiving. We are to have a lifestyle of mercy from our hearts, we have already escaped the judgment of the FATHER. The mercy that we are experiencing from the will of the FATHER is the fact that we triumphed over unmerciful judgment. Thank you JESUS! We have nothing to fear from the FATHER. Praise GOD!! The judgment is reserved for the non-believers, again it is unforgiving and merciless. And when the FATHER judges them HE will do so without mercy because they had their opportunity to experience the mercy and forgiveness that HE offers.

Hope that this has been helpful. Send a comment to let AMFBeM know how this has been a help to you.


Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Exalt Pt. 14


Philippians 1:20, 2:9; Hebrews 5:5, 7:26

As we end this great series, I hope that each reader has obtained the why and how we are to exalt JESUS. Every blood cleansed child of the Most-High GOD should want deeply within their being what Paul wanted within his. And this is…

  • That we will not fail CHRIST in anything.
  • Have courage now and in all our tomorrows to show the CHRIST within us!
  • We are to show the greatness of CHRIST within our life.
  • This greatness of CHRIST that we reveal too many is this; we are to display CHRIST regardless of our breathing or not.
  • Let our faith in JESUS the CHRIST be our legacy.

Have you ever wondered why FATHER GOD exalted JESUS? Is your answer that it is because JESUS is the SON of GOD? Well, that is not the total correct answer because we too are the sons of the FATHER. We are not, nor will we be exalted as high as JESUS. But let us see the reason why JESUS is exalted by the FATHER in the scriptures and how we are to follow HIS examples.

  • Be unselfish like JESUS.
  • Think and act like JESUS.
  • Have the nature of GOD.
  • Freely and willing
  • Become a servant.
  • Become humble.
  • Live/walk in the path of righteousness.
  • Become obedient in life to our death.

These are the reasons as to why JESUS has been exalted by the FATHER. JESUS did all of this perfectly. We cannot. no matter how we try somewhere along the line we are going to slip, stumble, trip, and possibly fall. But it is okay, just get yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward without looking back. Acknowledge that you messed up, GOD is not holding our faults against us, this is why we need desperately a Savior and the Holy Spirit because our flesh never will be saved and there will be times when we will allow our humanity to take the lead instead of having the Holy Spirit leading. Praise GOD for the obedience of JESUS CHRIST in HIS humanity here on this earth in HIS natural life and death. Praise GOD for exalting JESUS and placing HIM in the highest of heights. Praise GOD for exalting the very name of JESUS to the point that HIS name and HIS name alone are higher than any other name be it person, place, or thing. The name of the CHRIST, the MESSIAH, which by HIS name that we are to call on is J-E-S-U-S! No other name has power and strength, no other name has deliverance and healing. No other name will give us exactly what we need. NO other name!

The final valuable lesson that we must learn is that we are not to self-exalt. JESUS never exalted HIMself rather HE always exalted HIS FATHER. Did you know that there is or was a difference between being a Levitical Priest and being a Levitical High Priest? We need to take a short detour and find out what that difference was. This was the role of the priest.

  • The first was to minister in the sanctuary, which at this time was the tabernacle, but when Israel became a settled nation, it would be the temple.
  • Secondly, priests handled teaching the people the law of GOD.
  • Thirdly, when GOD’s will was sought for the nation, it was the priests who prayed for guidance.

Aaron was Israel’s first High Priest, and he was a typology of the CHRIST. Aaron was the spokesman for his younger brother Moses, this was his role as prophet. The law granted Aaron to be a high priest and his descendants to be a priest. The role of the high priest was to serve as an intermediary between GOD and HIS people (ancient Israel). He was considered the highest-ranking spiritual leader among the Israelites. One of his unique responsibilities was to perform the tasks needed on the Day of Atonement and sprinkle blood on the Ark of the Covenant. The high priest wore, unlike the other priests, unique vestments, such as a breastplate of precious gems designed by GOD. He also carried with him the Urim [a type of unknown ornament belonging solely to the high priest which signifies lights and perfection and worn on his breast plate] and Thummim [perfections and truth. This too was worn on the breastplate of the high priest]. The high priest was considered the presiding officer of the Sanhedrin, which met in Jerusalem.

CHRIST JESUS as our HIGH PRIEST only speaks those words of the FATHER; this is HIS role as Prophet, Acts 3:22

CHRIST JESUS is our mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5

Our wonderful day of Atonement was the day JESUS laid down HIS life on the cross on Calvary and spilled HIS precious and sinless blood to clean all humans from generation to generation all of the world, Heb. 9:11-15, 23-28; 1Jhn. 3:16, Jhn. 19:25; Heb. 9:14, 22

CHRIST JESUS is adorned in a robe dipped in HIS blood and the name on HIS robe is “The Word of GOD”. This is HIS Urim and Thummim, JESUS HIMself is light, perfection, and truth, Rev. 19:13, Jhn. 8:12, Heb. 2:10; Jhn. 14:6

CHRIST JESUS is the presiding officer of humanity; this is the honor given to HIM by the FATHER, not of HIMself. The FATHER GOD chose JESUS, the FATHER exalted JESUS, and the FATHER glorified JESUS with these words found in scriptures. In Psalms 2:7, Matthew 3:17, Mark 9:7, Luke 9:35, John 1:34, and Hebrews 4:5.

The FATHER has never and will never exalt angels or humans as HE has exalted JESUS, Hebrews 1:5. However, through JESUS alone we are the children of the Living and we are exalted of GOD, Ps. 75:10, John 1:12-13, Romans 8:14-17, and Galatians 3:26.

Unlike the high priest of old, JESUS is our blameless, holy, innocent, pure, sinless, undefiled High Priest. HE cannot be influence by sin nor the sin of sinners. CHRIST JESUS dwells in the highest place of the heavens.


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Exalt Pt. 13


Romans 9:5

Though in this verse of scripture, Paul is speaking directly about the Jewish nation, those of us who are inside of JESUS should be able to find this helpful to us as well. From a New Covenant standpoint, here is the breakdown in my hopes to help us better understand again how and why JESUS is worthy of being exalted by us.

1.    Through adoption we are spiritually citizens of Israel, it is our spiritual home, and we are a part of the Jewish nation. Recognize that they are our family.

2.    Every Born-Again CHRISTian should experience heartache for anyone who does not acknowledge, believe, have faith in, know, rely on, and trust in JESUS.

3.    GOD our FATHER knows the sadness that HIS children experience when we desire for people to come to JESUS so that they can experience HIS Love.

4.    That our desire should be for all humankind to come to faith in JESUS, the Anointed One, the CHRIST, the MESSIAH.

5.    Our conscience should be filled with nothing but the Holy Truth.

6.    GOD chose the nation of Israel to be HIS chosen people. But GOD also chose those that HE called as well to be HIS chosen people. Such as myself and those of you who are a part of the Blood Covenant established for us by the promise of HIS Word given to us and the actions that took place at Calvary when JESUS laid down HIS sinless life on that cross, allowing mankind to nail HIM there, and displayed HIS naked, torn flesh for all to see. Then HE allowed man to pierce HIM in HIS side so that that water could flow from HIS body. Afterward, a man took HIM down from the cross and laid HIM in a borrowed tomb where HIS earthly body would lay, waiting for HIM to enter into it again and rise in victory for us all.

7.    Once, we by faith in heart come to believe in and on JESUS we become fellow citizens of Israel (spiritually) because we have chosen to answer the call of the Holy Spirit and believe that JESUS is all HE said that HE is and believe that we are forgiven and loved by HIM.

8.    Through JESUS, GOD’s glorious presence belongs to us, the covenants, and all the promises of GOD. What does not belong to us is the Law of Moses, and our having to perform rituals, and the legalism of traditionalism in our local assembly.

9.    For those of us who like to research our genealogy, you should find that you come from one or some of the patriarchs of old, yes, we have a bloodline with at least one patriarch.

10.                     But most important is the fact that JESUS in HIS earthen body is a descendant of the patriarchs as well and HE is our MESSIAH, the True and Living GOD of all.

Now, praise JESUS, exalt HIM as HE is being exalted through the endless ages.



To catch up on all previous articles from About My FATHER's Business evangelistic Ministry, please click on the following link here>>>AMFBeM

Monday, June 28, 2021

Exalt Pt. 12


Acts 5:31; 21:20

For those of you who do not know JESUS and for those of you who do know JESUS. Allow me this moment to not only introduce HIM to some and to remind HIM to others but to also inform and inspire you as to HIS why.

JESUS the MESSIAH; the CHRIST; the Anointed One; GOD the SON, is who GOD the FATHER exalted to sit at HIS right hand. JESUS has been exalted to be our Deliverer, our Leader;  our Preserver, our Prince of Peace, our Protector, our Savior, and too many other characteristics of heart, integrity, and titles that HE carries out daily in the lives of HIS people. This has been done and given not only to Israel but to all of humankind in the world of enablement which through HIM only will be forgiven and released from our sins. HALLELUJAH! Once we have accepted in our hearts by faith who JESUS is there will be an immediate change in our hearts and our lives will begin through the necessary process to change as well. Just typing this encouraging, informative, and inspirational news to you has caused me to become over-excited and I have been experiencing HIS glory for over forty-plus years.

Just by reading what I have shared with you, I hope that a bell rang in your heart of hearing or a light bulb over your head which brought you to pay attention and adhere to what you just read and comprehend what is in store for you when you come to believe by faith in JESUS. JESUS and I want you to come and adore and exalt HIM, we want you to know the ONE that will grow into some of the reasons why you are thankful and willing to praise HIM. JESUS is worthy of our giving to HIM glory through our praise and thanksgiving. But most of all JESUS and I have a burning desire in our hearts for every man, woman, boy, and girl to become believers in JESUS all over the world. And once you have experienced the goodness of GOD’s glory tell others, this is called testifying. People not only need to see the change in our lives, but they need to hear how and who caused the change in our lives. When we live our lives through the change that only JESUS provides then people will take notice and then we can share with them why we are devoted to JESUS in the hopes that those who ask us questions will become devoted to JESUS as well.


For all missed blogs, please click here>>>AMFBeM and leave the ministry a comment so that we may communicate with you.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

CHRISTmas Greeting!

About My FATHER's Business evangelistic Ministries

Please cut and paste the link or tick here> to read our CHRISTmas Greeting from us

AMFBeM Newsletter

About My FATHER's Business evangelistic Ministries

Thank you for joining AMFBeM. Our headline today is "Wisdom will bring success". Please cut and paste the link into your browser or tick here>

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

AMFBeM Newsletter

About My FATHER's Business evangelistic Ministries

Thank you for joining AMFBeM. Our headline today is "Wisdom and our countenance". Please cut and paste the link into your browser or tick here>

Monday, December 14, 2020

AMFBeM Newsletter

About My FATHER's Business evangelistic Ministries

Thank you for joining AMFBeM. Our headline today is "Practical Wisdom". Please cut and paste the link into your browser or tick here>