Thursday, February 06, 2025

Please, Take A Walk With Me

James 1:17, NKJV – Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the FATHER of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 

 The above scripture is filled with encouragement and inspiration. However, today, I was led to read this scripture differently than I had ever read it before. Follow me on my journey in the hope that you will become as illuminated in your spirit as I was. This is why it is so important that we ask the FATHER to provide us with HIS revelation knowledge and wisdom who will give it to us abundantly and freely along with understanding so that we may apply HIS Word of Truth to our lives and be able to share with others at the appropriate moment. 

 Okay, are we ready for our spiritual walk? Let’s go. 

Please pay careful attention as I dissect a couple of words that will give us great encouragement and inspiration.  

With the scalpel in my hand, I will begin to cut. 

 Every [all, any, always, whatsoever] good [benefit, well, cannot cease, un-refrain, unmix, innocent, harmless, simple, without waver, firm] gift and every perfect [complete] gift is from above [from the beginning, anew] and comes down [descend] from the FATHER of Lights [shine, manifest, luminous, fire] with whom there is no [not, neither, never, none] variation [fickle] or shadow [shade, darkness] of turning [revolt]

 So, now that I have dissected this verse of scripture, here is one way I may read it so that my spirit will pull it in for my application. I hope we are all still together on our walk through the meadow. 

 Whatsoever un-refrained gift and every complete gift is from the beginning anew and descends from the FATHER of Lights who manifest with whom there is never any fickleness or darkness of revolt. 

 So, what do you think? I appreciate your comments. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Do You Want To See AMFBeM Return To This Site

How wonderful to see that previous blogs posted by  About My FATHER's Business evangelistic Ministry so long ago are still being read.

We decided not to post on social media sites that were not being utilized for reading, but Elder Shawn would like to reach as many souls as possible through each site we have accounts with.

Not only do we notice geographical areas and how many times the posted blogs have been opened and hopefully read, but we also want you, the reader, to communicate with the ministry by leaving us a comment. Surprisingly, we have never received one comment from this social media site—go figure, laughing. 

We ask each person to send the ministry a comment on the blog post you have read and enjoyed.  We need to know because just like you want compliments and that pat on the back, so do we.

We look forward to your communication with us because we will communicate back with you; believe it or not, we are all very approachable here. So, jam us with lots of communication. The more we get, the more likely we will begin posting again.

Thank you in advance,

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Evaluating My Relationship With My FATHER


The theme for this month is for you to check on your relationship with GOD your FATHER. Are you truly putting HIM first above all else?

I hope that this blog will be of help to you. Please click the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you and as always pass it on to others for their reading pleasure. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

There Are Two Types Of Wisdom

 Happy Friday Morning!

Today is a wonderful day and I know that you all are looking forward to an amusing weekend.

Please tick on the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Looking For A Church Home

 Happy Thursday Evening Family❗

This is a late edition due to technical difficulties beyond AMFBeM TM  control.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please tick the link here>>>AMFBeM thank you.